Podcasts – Short audio recordings of any subject imaginable. Uses: lecture, recipe, novel, music, poetry, directions, advice, legacy (life story), forecast, lessons learned, history, humor, requests, advertising, how to, checklists.
RSS Feeds – Your preference – the latest on any subject. Uses: lecture, invention, new product, news, weather, sports, events, project progress, collaboration tool, worldwide communication.
Blog list – friends, collaborative work, world-wide communications, any subject, any level of opinion, no filters.
Widgets – weather, news, sports, trivia, polls, date/time, tools, games, fun.
Video feeds –see it in action here, see for yourself, see it now, it’s not the media telling you the story, it IS the story captured in video form, it is contrived action, it is “you can’t believe what you see” because it has been altered, it’s a statement, its something someone felt was important enough to share with others, it’s what you did (that you did impulsively) and wish you hadn’t done, its where anyone with a cell phone has evidence it was you, its no longer being anonymous, its no longer being able to say you didn’t really do it. Yep, it’s You Tube.
Piccasa – my pics, your pics, easy to display, easy to view, easy to obtain, easy to alter, is that really you? Did you lose weight (physically, or in photoshop)? Are you really that character I see, or is that your avatar?
Slideshows – My vacation, my presentation, my big event, our big event, an organized display of still photos, here’s what my world looks like, here are my best photos.
Google Reader – Might as well be called Google library. We used to go to a building and browse through hundreds of catalog cards or sections to find hundreds of books on a particular subject. Now, you browse on line through an electronic version to download an electronic book or magazine (still saturated with advertising) it is convenient, you don’t need to show up at a particular time and wait for a librarian to process your request or worry about returning the books.
Live Web Radio – just like radio waves radio, the web version is ever present on your computer and can be ubiquitous if you like handheld devices.
News feeds – how do you like your news? local, distant, live streaming, focused on a region, focused on a subject, at least it is your choice this time – subscribe to what you want to see and hear (at least from an overall perspective - content is another subject)
So overall, what do I think about Web 2.0?
I like having the ability to customize my entertainment, learning, and collaboration
I like knowing where to find an item quickly and easily
I like being in control of my own schedule
I like the idea of chatting with other people about a subject to see what their thoughts are
I like being able to create an environment for relaxation (no distractions)
I really like being the one who gets to decide what I want to watch, wear, do, say, and be
I like things that are FREE
There are numerous reasons the internet will continue to be a valuable resource to the humans who choose to interact with it. One of most impressive is the never ending human spirit intent on making life better…providing tools to make navigating the ocean of information easier and user friendly.
Email "Issues" - Due to Dynamic DNS?
My wife sent my son and I an email, and the address for my son got munged
somehow. After an evening of sending test messages it appears that when I
get my ...
13 years ago
I like that it's free too but I have a couple of issues with the content. The first is not knowing how valid it is and the second is that we rely on people donating their time for a lot of it which means it only gets updated spradically. My web site is a good exmaple. Lots of misleading information only updated when I feel like it :)
I would be great if you gave concrete examples and more details. What widgets do you find useful? Which on line radio do you recommend and why?
Nigel commented that it's difficult to validate the content - I agree. We really need validated content, like the News... oh wait, that isn't validated either, ok, how about the newspaper... nope. What about magazine articles, no... not there either.
The only validated work you will find is in academia, where it is peer reviewed - as we learned in this program. :)
I didn't capture the source info for all the surfing I did while checking out the fun stuff, so I don't have concrete examples. One person I downloaded was using podcasts as a study guide for an upcoming test for his students. I was reminded of my grandfather's great storytelling and would love to have a collection of his tales.
I can tell you that several attempts to add widgets to my blog site failed miserably (from the site you recommended). I spent quite a bit of time trying to de-bug them and ended up with nothing to show for it. I don't have any pictures posted on picasa, but I view it regularly to see pictures other people post.
Most of my free time lately has been in hospital waiting rooms and preparing for tropical storms, Given a choice, I spend every moment outside listening to peace and quiet (except when it's raining and windy like right now).
But when I'm online, I chat, I email, I blog, I check out new sites, search for all kinds of things, order pizza and chinese food, pay bills, look up directions to the post office, browse for new homes. Look at the public service sites - property values, flood zones, and sometimes visit silly places like where you can watch the corn grow. I don't keep track of this stuff, Google tracks it for me. Google has every chat I've ever been it (in the history section). I haven't even scratched the surface of what the internet can do for us, like medical consults about a patients chart- instant MRI viewing, you can actually take home your CD and view your MRI before your doctor gets a chance to see it. You can check out your doctor and see if he really knows what he's doing, how mamy years he's been a surgeon, which associations he belongs to (basically a background check).
And best of all, I get to chat with you from one coast to the other. Web 2.0 is great.
I loved your review of Web 2.0 tools - I agree that I do more than ever by using these tools. It reduces the amount of time needed for mundane things but, at the same time, gives me more flexiblity than just going to the nearest store and being limited by their stock. With web access, I can buy almost anything I want, anytime I wanted. Plu, I have more time for my family. Here is a website to help with your gardening: http://exploraculture.blogspot.com/2008/08/discovering-gardening-podcasts.html
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